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Care of LPG Cylinder prevents Tetanus

For most of us, LPG has become such an integral part of our daily lives that it is difficult to imagine a kitchen without it.  It is difficult for most of the people of our generation, born and brought up in cities and towns, to imagine the benefits that advent of LPG as a fuel brought with it. For most of the people staying in rural India, alternate fuels of wood, coal or coke, kerosene, dung cakes etc. still act as major source of fuel. With the spread of wings, many of these areas have also welcomes the arrival of LPG. LPG despite adding to the household budget does provide a cleaner alternate fuel which is convenient and exposes its user to lesser harmful and toxic pollutants compared to its traditional alternatives. Despite city gas pipeline network spreading, LPG Cylinder still remains the major mode of transporting LPG across the households in India.

The LPG Cylinder’s body is made up of low carbon steel. Mostly, the Cylinder is comfortably place under the shelf while the extra unit will either be places in a veranda, lobby, gallery or a corner. Both the places expose the body of the LPG Cylinder to moisture, dampness, sunlight and heat. Even as part of process to check leakage cylinders are exposed to water and face the wrath of relentless weather and temperature during transportation. The continuous exposure corrodes the surface of the cylinder.

The rust hence formed on the surface not only reduces the lifespan of the cylinder but also act as a catalyst for breeding harmful bacteria responsible for tetanus. With frequent movement in household one does come in contact with the rusted surface of the cylinder on more than one occasion. During frequent occasion of such contact, rust through the skin invasion passes on to the bloodstream and results in serious medical condition.

PVC LPG Cylinder Cover offers a best resolution to this health hazard. They provide a protective layer to prevent the surface of the cylinder to the abrasions of environmental factors causing and facilitating rusting. PVC made up, facilitates an easy maintenance and cost effectiveness. 

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