Despite the fact that washing machines are extensively used in cities as an effective aid to laundry, according to 2017 report by Research and Markets is a white good category product which is still confined to about 9% penetration in India. With the changing demographics and incomes washing machines have transitioned in the perception of the consumers to a utility item. However, for vast population of India still confined to rural and small towns, washing machine is still considered as an upper class. It is an investment dearer to the consumer. In India, which can still be largely considered as a price conscious market, for the consumer the longevity of their investment is an important factor that drives and support a purchase decision.
Since the decision to purchase a washing machine involves substantial about of money therefore despite easy financing options readily available, the choice is akin to the purchase of any luxury good. An average consumer will seek to extract the maximum number of years from the declared lifespan of the product. Though despite being cautious and attached to the financial investment one makes during purchase of the Washing Machine, during the usage one unknowingly or carelessly do subject them to abuses. Hence, time and again users and experts have drafted various precautions for using Washing Machine and ensure prolong benefits.
The set of precautions that can help in increasing the lifecycle of the Washing Machine can be broadly classified under Procedural and Physical. The Procedural instructions and Operating Procedures ensure to get the maximum operative productivity and the Instructions for Physical Care to ensure that the body of washing machine can effectively withstand the wear and tear of the environment and time.
Routine check up for any cracks and loose fittings of the hoses for water supply.  Prefer smaller loads with multiple cycle over larger loads with smaller number of washing cycles.  Avoid mixing clothes of different colors and / or fabric.  Chose appropriate and specified quantity of recommended cleaner.  Make it a rule to wash, clean and dry the washing machine parts – washing tub, plastic gasket, door, washers, etc.  Clean the filters to remove residue and lint after every wash.  Close the spigots to cut water supply to machine when it is not in use.  Avoid changing / re arranging the setting in between the machine Cycle | Avoid subjecting the washing machine to dusty environment.  Keep the washing machine in dry environment.  Avoid keeping the washing machine in open where it is directly subjected to sun and rain.  Keep laundry are near the washing machine free from bugs and insects, etc.  Attend to the scratches and cracks in the machine with urgency.  Ensure control panel of the washing machine to be free from the direct exposure to moisture and / or spillage. |
One of the effective and useful products to address the issues pertaining to the washing machines’ build up is Waterproof Washing Machine Cover. Washing machine cover waterproof provides a protective cover to the physique of the washing machine that not only protects it from household dust, direct sun, corrosion from spills, moisture seepage, insects, bacteria & mildew but also save loss of its sheen and color due to extensive exposure to sun.
At Dream Care India you can get as many types of washing machine cover even you can find Washing Machine Cover for top Load or also Washing Machine Cover Bosch.
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